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Question ID 3183 - 2016-03-01 03:25:42


Can you do my istakhara for my health doctors do not know if i have a virus in my body or not. in particular if it is in my mouht/throat area..if i do have the virus it may cause problems can you tell me if i have the hpv virus anywhere in my body yes or no?


This is not an Istikhara. Istikhara is to seek guidance to do something or
not to do it. Istikhara is not to suggest whether you have a virus or not.
This is the job of medical doctors.
If you need real Istikhara, you May Allah (SWT) bless you and your family.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3182 - 2016-03-01 03:21:51


as salam maulana, we have a friend who is asunni women. she left her husband without taking talaq and married a hindu in court. no nikah took place between them. she has a child from hindu husband also. my question is that can v being shia have relations with her and can we allow our kids to play with her kids in her house or call her in our house for social gatherings.. my other question is that one of our cousin married without the concent of parents and did nikah after leaving the house secretly.. after taking ijazat from ur site we forgave them, full family had broken relation from them.. but after some time evrything got settled ..now the boy does not earn and look after the familyand the girls parent do all the needful for the two kids after the marriage..most of the time the girl is staying with the parents.. my question is that is it ok to condemn that man and not have cordial relations..can v allow our daughters and son to mix up with that man.he has clearly said that he will not earn and want to enjoy the riches of his inlaws..plz anser ..jazakalllah..


1- The woman who left her husband with out Talaq is still his wife
according to Shariat. Her relationship with another man is unlawful and it
is not a marriage at all. The children from such unlawful relationship are
illegitimate . It is not good for you and your family to keep relationship
with such sinful woman because it can make her feel that she is a good
person and what ever bad she committed is not bad.
2. Do not boycott your relative because he does not work. You May Allah
(SWT) bless you and your family. Guide and try to help him.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3181 - 2016-02-29 20:44:38


salamun alaykum agha, First of all I would like to thankful of your kind effort to unite our kanodar momin and allah and fourteen masoomin a.s. will give you benefit of this great attainment. Really we are very happy and recited ALHAMDOLILLAH several time. As we also tried several time for unity from here Dubai but jamaat people had egoism wall was in front of them and alhamdolillah in one speech you broken egoism wall and united momineen, as I am in leaving in dubai,UAE with my family working in iranian firm and hope you prey for us as we prey for your health wealth and success in this life and hereafter. Khuda aqebat e shuma w hamey moheb e ahlaybait ra bakhair mi kunam. Wassalm.


Salamun Alaykum wr wb
May Allah (SWT) bless you and your family and all the Momineen of Kanodar.
Please convey Salaams to all of them.
I hope that the Jaffery school in Kanodar will be more supported by
Mo'mineen to educate our children there. We do not want to see any Shia
child deprived from education both religious and worldly.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3180 - 2016-02-29 02:35:52


salam i want to know we can ply chess and card or no


Playing chess is Haraam ( forbidden) in Islam according to authentic
evidences. It is the act of the sinners . Playing Cards are also forbidden
because they are meant to be used in gambling, even if you do not gamble,
but playing with Playing Cards is not allowed.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3179 - 2016-02-28 19:33:13


Salam un alike Why do we need Imamat ?


Why do we need Nobowwat? Because we need to be guided by the most pious
Infallible persons who are the prophets (AS). For the same reason we also
need Imamat after the Prophethood to be guided by the most pious who are
the Infallible Imams (AS). With out Imamate people will go astray as we
have seen all who did not follow the Infallible Imams went astray from the
real Sunnah of the Prophet (SAWA) and went after different persons. Today,
and all the times, Islam is safe because of Qur'an and Ahlul Bayt (AS).
With out Imamate, no pious leadership, means no real Islam can remain on
this earth.
Mohammad Al-Musawi