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Question ID 1824 - 2014-08-07 05:36:02


salamwalekum is there any fatwa of agha sistaani for boycott of facebook


I am not aware of such Fatwa if any. You may ask who say that to show you
the claimed Fatwa.
In general, we must avoid supporting any company which supports killing the
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1830 - 2014-08-08 15:43:00


Salam alikum I hAve a query if I women conceives without planning and has not said bismillah hir rahmanir rahom nor her husband said can she abort the foetus??


No, it is a crime ( major sin) to abort the foetus in this case.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1829 - 2014-08-08 08:20:19


For a few years I did my wudhu wrong for prayer do I have to make up all those prayers?


Yes if you are sure that your Wudhu was really invalid.


Question ID 1827 - 2014-08-08 02:10:42


Salaamunalikum....I have taken ghusl e janabat after some time I reliased that there was ink layer on my hand and my ghusl became invalid my question is when I have taken ghusl I worey clothes and they were wet and I was lying on the bed and bed also became wet so is my bed najis??? I follow ayoutullah sistani


Not Najis.


Question ID 1826 - 2014-08-08 01:53:35


Is it allowed to kill a bird for exaample duck,chicken,or any bird which is not able to catch with bare hands by the gun by saying BISMILLAHE ALLAHO AKBAR.


Yes it is allowed for eating purpose.
