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Question ID 353 - 2013-02-27 12:30:49


Salam. 1. How old is the child will he/she excuse in questioning and answering in the grave?, or, are they included in questioning? 2. How about non muslim children, are they excuse? Sukran.


Children will not be asked as far as they died before becoming Baaligh.
Same applies to children of non Muslims. Every one is responsible about the knowledge which reached him. Being Baaligh is a condition of responsibility .
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 352 - 2013-02-27 12:07:34


Salam. I read an article (PDF file) about Shia on: (please copy all and paste the URL) http://www.google.com.ph/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&ved=0CD8QFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.shiabooks.org%2Fenglish%2FKashafulSalatEnglishTranslation.pdf&ei=sLotUaXLPKiSiAfVoYHICQ&usg=AFQjCNHfAtN7xn4FrVKi-LPizqFhD5rxPw&bvm=bv.42965579,d.aGc It says there, Special characteristics of prophets and imams (page 40) 5.They are free from all sins, faults, and mistakes. My question is, why is it prophet adam (as) commit a sin? Sukran.


Prophet Adam (AS) did not commit any sin. Leave aside what people claim and listen to what Ahlul Bayt (AS) say . He just did what was allowed for him to do, but there was something better. This is called TARK AL AWLA.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 358 - 2013-03-02 21:51:04


If a man marries a woman but they have not told about this to their families and society as their families were not agree for their marriage. Now after a couple of years , their families got agree for their marriage, Can this couple do Nikaah once again in front of their families and society without telling them that they are already married? If not, then what type of act is this..Haraam or Makrooh? Jazak Allah.


Only virgin girl needs for her marriage the approval of her father or her paternal grand father. When father has agreed even later on, then the marriage is valid.
If the couple want to make a function in public or with their families to recite Nikah again, it is allowed. It does not mean that the first Nikah was invalid, but just to show the families a Nikah ceremony.
Mohammad al-Misawi

Question ID 359 - 2013-03-03 22:15:37


Salaam Alaikhom I am from India and i want to marry a girl from a pious family but my parents dont agree to my marriage only for one reason and that is that the girls family is poor and their status in society is very low. My parents want me to marry some one else. Can i refuse to marry the girl of my parents choice and go against the wishes of my parents and marry the girl of my choice whom i believe is pious. I need an answer quickly as i have lot of pressure from my parents. I am worried that if i go against the wishes of my parents i will be thrown in hell and that it is a great sin i need an advice qucikly please Ws


It is not obligatory on you as a man to marry the girl chosen by your parents, especially if the girl of your choice is really pious believer. Nevertheless , don't hurt the feelings of your parents and try your best to politely convince them to agree on your choice .
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 361 - 2013-03-05 06:53:14


Salam. Is it true that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had been poison by Aisha? If it is not, what is the cause of death of our beloved prophet? Sukran.


All Muslim scholars (Shia and Sunni) agree that the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) was been poisoned. Many say that a Jewish woman was behind the poison. Others say something else. The result is the Prophet (SAWA) was been poisoned.
Mohammad al-Musawi