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Question ID 1635 - 2014-07-08 17:33:15


What is Qadha of a missed fast?


Qadha or Qaza is performing the missed worship like Salah or fast. If fast
was missed, Qadha if it means fasting some other time.
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 1640 - 2014-07-09 17:57:36


Many times while namaz or fasting or while addressing Allah a picture of Allah is made in my mind is it fine if we say that the picture is Allah but at the same time know that it is not Allah because there is nothing like him just so to understand to him to make a mental picture WILL IT MAKE ME A KAFIR?


Allah (SWT) Has no picture at all and nothing is like Him. What you have in
your mind is nothing but imagination from Shaitan making you think that it
is a picture of Allah (SWT). You must avoid such thoughts and seek help of
Allah to clear your mind from such satanic thoughts. Allah (SWT) is much
greater than any one from us can think or imagine. He is every where, and
no eye can see Him, so there is no question of picture at all.
Repeat Istighfaar as much as you can to avoid such bad thoughts.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1639 - 2014-07-09 12:19:18


SA Syed, I have put some money aside from the profits of my business as Imam e Zamana's Share. How do I disperse / distribute these monies , to whom Can I give it ? or what is a recommended organisation to whom I can give these monies to ? these monies are not Khums or zakat.. Jazak Allah Vasi


You can give that amount to the Marje of Taqleed to spend it in serving the
aim of Imam Zaman (AS), or you may seek permission to spend it in any noble
cause which you are sure that Imam Zaman (AS) is happy with.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1638 - 2014-07-09 03:21:16


Salam, i follow sayeed sistani, but can i follow other marajje for certain issues like Mutah marriage ? or do i have to follow my marjje on every ruling on every issue, wasalaam.


=E2=80=8BYou have to follow your Marje in every verdict (Fatwa) he has, but=
if he
has precaution and no Fatwa in any matter=E2=80=8B, you can refer in such m=
atter to
another Marje who is next in the rank of knowledge.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1637 - 2014-07-08 21:20:08


Assalamunalaikum, is it allowed to perform UMRA-E-MUFREDHA , on 02 Shawwal ????? as they say that it is within the days of performing Umra e tumattho ... so you cannot perform umra - e - mufreda... wassalam


It is allowed to perform Umra Mufrada during any month, but if you have not
performed your obligatory Hajj, and you can reach Makkah during Shawwal,
Thil Qa'da or Thil Hajjah, you must perform your obligatory Hajj.
If you have already performed your obligatory Hajj, you are free to perform
Umra Mufrada during any month.
Mohamamd al-Musawi