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Question ID 1153 - 2014-02-15 22:11:58


Asa WR B Are we as muslims allowed to celebrate Valentines day? If not then what is the reasoning behind it. And what's the difference between celebrating birthdays and Valentines Day. Thanks Wasalam


Valentine was a Christian priest and we do not celebrate any matter from
other religions.
If they claim to celebrate Valentine a s a day of love, Islam teaches us
love every day and wants us to show love to our beloved ones always not
only in one day in the whole year.
Celebrating birthday does not have link with non Muslim religious figure.
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 1162 - 2014-02-19 01:57:41


ASWW sayyidina pls, what dua can a woman do to be able to conceive. medical report showed that couples are okay.


Repeating Istighfaar (ASTAGHFIRULLAH RABBI WA ATOOBU ELAYH) as many times
as possible.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1161 - 2014-02-18 13:35:05


salaam alykum may allah grant you a long life to serve the community and spread the real message of Islam i would like to know about wakf, can wakf land be developed and the flats for the land is sold. the condition of the deed is the money should be used for education purpose only if it is not allowed than if it has happen what is the ruling sayed this information is very vital for me so please reply i am follower of ayyatulah seestani


Waqf land or property can never be sold, and the meaning of Waqf is to get
the benefit of it for good cause but never sell it.
If this mistake has already been done, the deal is void. Waqf land remains
Waqf and the income or the use must be according to the instructions of the
person who set the Waqf.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1163 - 2014-02-19 03:42:02


Aslkm , I am blessed with a son and daughter Alhamdolillah , so doctor suggesting to put loap (which will prevent from getting pregnant) since my son in 1.8years & daughter 10days. Is it allowed in islam to use to the loap???????


If it stops pregnancy permanently, it becomes unlawful ( Haraam) but if it
a temporary measure and pregnancy can happen when you remove it, the it is
allowed, provided that no non Mahram is allowed to see your wife with out
proper Hijab.
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 1164 - 2014-02-19 10:36:53


AOA, Maluana ab. What is the role of stars in our life like some astrologers/najomi says your stars are revolving or not in our favor till few months/years. Is it allowed to go to astrologers/najomi ans consult them about future? If not then in history why mostly Muslims chooses astrology/ Ilm e Najoom as career? Regards


We should not rely on starts or astrology in our daily actions and plans,
and rely only on Allah. mercy and protection. It is wrong to seek advice
from astrologists or Nojoomi. We do not have in the life of the Prophet
(SAWA) and Ahlul bayt (AS) any permission to do so, on the contrary we have
orders to not to go seek any advice from them.
Mohammad al-Musawi
