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Question ID 2796 - 2015-09-03 01:20:15


salam maulana what if a boy and girl are in a live in relationship and pray together, sleep together eat together etc???


If they have agreed and recited Aqd of temporary or permanent marriage,
then it is good, but if there is no Aqd between them, it is a major sin.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2799 - 2015-09-03 04:40:21


Salam alaikum. I am a 21 year old girl and i have been suffering from MIGRAINE since 5 years. It troubles me a lot and i want a cure for it please help. Khuda hafiz


There are many verses in Quran which can help but mainly reciting Sura Al
Hamd putting your hand on your head where ever is the pain, and also Ayatul
It is very useful to pray two Rak'at of Salaat then prostrate and say
during Sojood ( SHOKRAN LILLAH) 40 times, then raise your head from Sojood
and wipe over the place of Sojood then wipe over your head and face.
You can repeat this after your prayers.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2801 - 2015-09-03 07:56:20


salam i pray u find this message in good health. que- what is done who are extrimst in pak najasat,doubt and unnessesarly fear of it and ruin their own life. NOTE- nither they u have stability to understand nor they can come out of it duas


Extreme and repeated doubts in Najasat and tahaarat are from Shaitan. We
should remind such person whether he would like to follow Shaitan or follow
Allah ? Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS) was when asked about such persons said: Ask
them: Is it from Allah or from Shaitan? They will say: It is from Shaitan.
How can a Momin follow Shaitan ?
Repeating Estighfaar, Salawaat and LA ILAAHA ILLALLAH is very useful to
tackle Satanic whisperings.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2800 - 2015-09-03 04:43:51


salam i pray betterment of you que- parent have 1 property his or her hajj umrah and ziyarat of masumeen are pending would his property money will distributed among their children or hajj umarah ziyarat will be complusion on them instead of distributing? duas


Obligatory Hajj money must be taken out ( for some one to go on behalf of
the deceased) before distribution of the amount of the property among
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2798 - 2015-09-03 04:32:21


salam i pray all is going well to u and your family allah bless ques- from 2 son only one of them is looking after his both parents in this case do both the sons inherit parents property,money etc?or son who is looking after would deserve more? duas


Both sons get same share. The son who was looking after his parents will
get great Barakat and reward, but it does not change the rule of
Mohammad Al-Musawi
