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Question ID 3062 - 2016-01-11 04:09:10


I am a sunni guy. Can i do mutah with a shia kazmi girl?


You need to believe that Mut'ah is an Islamic marriage then fulfill all its


Question ID 3065 - 2016-01-13 20:57:11


Salam un alike Why strive if Allah [SWT] already wrote our destiny ?


We must try our best to do good and gain useful knowledge and be better
believers. Destiny is only in things which are not in our hands. No destiny
in our knowledge or our deeds.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3207 - 2016-03-11 17:59:08


As salaam alaykum My question is my husband has three sisters and two of them maintain gòod relations with me but one avoids talking to me and when they visit me i serve them the best. I said to my husband that i will just maintain salaam dua with her so he gets angry and if i want to discuss any problem regarding this issue he says i dont want to listenand he listens to all the problems of his sisters should i meet the person who avoids me and just wants her brother only what should i do plz help


A Good Muslima wife should always obey her husband. Meet his sister who is
avoiding you and be obedient to your husband. Allah (SW) will then bless
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3209 - 2016-03-13 01:31:04


How should the feet be positioned in juloos, or when reciting tashahhud, as there are many different ones?


The right feet should be on the left side of the body with the upper side
of the left feet above it, and putting the left side of the body on the
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3216 - 2016-03-15 18:10:45


If I am to clean a part of my body that is bleeding and I washed it off, would the droplets/splashses of water that probably drop on my garments be considered najis?


If the droplets or splashes touched the Najis item, then it is Najis
and makes the touched cloth Najis. If it did not touch Najis item, then it
does not make the cloth Najis.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
