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Question ID 506 - 2013-05-30 11:48:49


salaam alaikum I would like to do muta with a suni man, the problem is that i am shy to recite it in front of him.. can i email it to him and he does not mind replying me either by email or on the phone.. we have talked about this and he is happy to do muta with me so we do not indulge in sins. please help me... I have read Ayatullah Sistani's law that as long as he does not mislead me, i can do muta with a suni man..


If you can not or does not want to recite the Wordings of the Mut'a marriage, then you may ask some one to recite it on your behalf. It is not valid by email.
If you a virgin, you need your father's consent or your paternal grand father's.
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 508 - 2013-05-31 02:49:19


Is doing zanjeer a major sin? and if not then why do people do it ? it causes you self harm and self harm is not allowed in Islam. This gives our Ahle sunnah brothers a bad view about us.


You may ask the Marja' of Taqleed whom you are following.

Question ID 509 - 2013-05-31 08:53:39


salam, i want to know that if we believe in evolution or not? Iam a shia, but I am quiet confused about this matter.I asked some Aalims but I didnt get a good answer.plz help.


Quran is the word of Allah and we find in Quran that Allah has created Adam from clay into human being and ordered the angles to prostrate to him, so no question of evolution in the creation of human being.
The evolution theory is been attacked by many non Muslim scientists and it is been countered by the Special Creation Theory which says that every being was created as it is now , but there are many similarities and degrees between the creatures.
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 511 - 2013-06-05 03:25:11


Salaamun alaykum, I wanted know what the opinion of islam is with regards to turning vegetarian and not having any meat. I seem to remember coming across a hadith that says we have to eat meat once in 40 days but i could be mistaken. Also, if it is not permitted to become vegetarian, would eating eggs only and avoiding meat be allowed? Thanks


Our Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) who was the most merciful human being, did eat
meat. It is bad to leave his way of life and follow others. It is Makrooh
to leave eating mean for forty days and it leaves bad effect on the mental
and physical health.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 450 - 2013-05-04 13:22:42


Salam Alaikum, I always explain to my non muslim friends that anything HARAAM in islam is also scientifically harmful for a human. This way I have helped many of them stay from alcohal and other bad habits. ( if not at least they not do openly ) But I am not able to explain how the Music can be harmfull. They argue that it is good for health and mind gets fresh when one listens to music. If possible please help me how to convince them to stop insisting on listening to Music Syed Munis Raza


Please read the book, Music and its Effects by A.H Sheriff, which states many scientefic facts that you may be looking for. Please visit http://www.al-islam.org/music-and-its-effects-a-h-sheriff/ to read this book