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Question ID 4190 - 2018-02-08 21:33:35


Salam I would like to know if two boys at the age of 13 tried to commit sodomy but could not make it happen due to inexperience. is it then categorized as sodomy and will they be forgiven? They are in doubt if the penetration was up to point of circumsion. They also comitted acts of sucking each other. Can they be forgiven without punishment? They were young and dumb at that age. They are both grown up now and really really sorry about what happened.


They have committed a sinful act although they don’t know up to what extent. They need to seek forgiveness and repeat esitghfaar after repenting and deciding not to repeat it at all.
Mohammad l-Musawi

Question ID 4189 - 2018-02-08 12:41:29


Sa, I have had baby daughter born. Someone mentioned as part of haqeeqa I might not need to shave the head of my daughter? If I do can I use hair clippers rather than shaving? Ws,


Aqeeqa is recommended for every one. Shaving the hair of the newly born child is not obligatory though it is recommended. You can use hair clippers.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 4195 - 2018-02-10 23:22:10


Salam Are alawis and alevis considered muslims and tahir? what is the difference between alawis and alevis? wa salam alakium


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Alawis and Alevis are same. There are Muslims and Taahir like any other Muslim sect.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4194 - 2018-02-10 13:01:39


Hello alsalamu alekum, My question is when I go to the toliet my urine stream does not come out in a straight line and touches my inner thigh.Is it enough if I wash my inner thigh with water or do I need to take a shower Thanks


Just pouring water is enough to make the Najis parts Taahir and there no need for shower.

Question ID 4193 - 2018-02-09 13:58:22


AoA, When traveling on an airplane when the time is going backwards, for example coming from Pakistan to USA, the time for salat is also going backwards. Are we supposed to pray salat by timing, even though we are leaving on a Monday at Fajr time and arriving on the same Monday at Fajr time, or perform the salat within those hours of traveling backwards? Salam


Whenever the time of Fajr starts on you wherever you are, you must perform Fajr Prayer. Going towards west will not require you to repeat your Fajr Prayer again unless the air starts again on you.