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Question ID 1453 - 2014-06-02 10:38:01


Assalaamun alaikum, I have been married for 7 years and have a issue with my wife in regards with physical intimacy, ever since. However I used to manage anyhow and keeping myself satisfied with whatever I got from her. She has been telling me I can get involved with another women legally in Mutah or a marriage. But I didn't want to. Now recently her physical affection has just become a formality for her and this hurts me emotionally. It is only when the matter of intimacy is required she is indifferent, otherwise she is an understanding wife. I am not old and I have physical needs to take care of, she has yet again told me and given me a lifetime permission to get involved as I mentioned above. I have tried to find the root cause by talking to her, but she says I am this way, no particular reason for this. My question is, can I get into Mutah marriage on this basis? and for how long? I cannot consider a re-marriage as it will effect my family as a whole. I am a muqallid of Ayatullah Sistani. Kindly advice. Wassalaam


First of all, you should try to take medical advise from lady doctor who
should talk to your wife to know and treat the reasons of her unusual
attitude. This is much better than going for another wife whether
temporarily or permanently.
In general, you are allowed to get a Mut'ah marriage even with Ahl e Kitab
if your wife allowes you to do so.
I do not advise you to leave your wife in this situation without proper
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1452 - 2014-06-02 10:24:20


Salaamun alaikum... I had shared an article about Mohammad_Hossein_Fahmideh ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammad_Hossein_Fahmideh) the 13 year old shaheed during the time of Ayatullah Khomenie with a brother in faith recently. However I was surprised by his response, as he claimed this martyrdom as suicide, which is not allowed in Islam. How do I tell him in brief, that this is not suicide. Kindly advice Wasalaam


It should more than enough to refute such claim against Shaheed Fahmeedeh
to know that Ayatullah Khomeini , who was a Marja of Taqleed , declared
Fahmeedeh as a national hero.
Shaheed Fahmeedeh stopped the enemies from invading his country and gave
his life for this noble cause.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1518 - 2014-06-18 22:06:27


Salaamunalikum.my marja is ayoutullah sistani.in state of janabat is sweat paak or najis..


Not Najis at all.


Question ID 1530 - 2014-06-22 01:20:10


Is it wajib to dispose these names Islamically like hazrat isa, hazrat abbas, hazrat musa?


Precaution is good, but it is not like the holy names of Allah, and the 14
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 1527 - 2014-06-21 05:14:30


when a person who washes his hands with under kurr water and the water flows on the floor will the whole water be considered nais or only the part that touched the najis object?


It depends how the small quantity of water touched the Najis item . If
Najis item was immersed in the water, then the whole water is Najis.
Mohammad al-Musawi